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    Neue Herbold Maschinen- und Anlagenbau GmbH

    Wiesenstr. 44


    +49 7261 9248-0

    NEUE HERBOLD Maschinen – und Anlagen GmbH located in Sinsheim, Germany have extended their SM granulator range by introducing the new SM1000/x machine. The new granulator is completing the upper range of the SM series. This machine has a rotor diameter of 1000mm and will be offered in various widths. This granulator type is especially designed for applications where a large throughput capacity is required or for the size reduction of large and bulky materials. The SM granulator can be offered with various types of feeding hoppers and devices as well as with various rotor geometries. This means that the SM1000/… series machine can be used for many different applications such as; size reduction of plastic films, lumps, purging’s, profiles, pipes or thick walled parts as well as for the size reduction of large and bulky products like “containers and boxes”. For “wash” grinding, a wet version is also available. Like all granulators produced at the NEUE HERBOLD facilities in Sinsheim / Germany, this model is manufactured in the well recognised NEUE HERBOLD quality, 100% made in Germany.

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